Walking in the Morvan

Claire Lise Gérante du Camping

13 July 2017

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On the internet you can find many hiking trails especially from this area. There are old Celtic footpaths more than 300 kilometres long.

Of course there are the famous walking routes in the Morvan and also some of the GR routes crossing the region. There are trails in the immediate area as well as slightly further away.

Many trails for hiking

We have four pedestrian circuits to propose to you, which you can recover at the reception. You can also walk around unexpectedly, our region is very pleasant for ballads. The nature and the landscape you will discover will be unforgettable, take for example the Celtic routes, which snake on more than 300 kilometers of trail. The Morvan is full of secrets that are visible only by walking. Many trails are outlined in the hills and climbing, you will feel a real adventurer in the Morvan.